20 Questions: Madi Doyle
When he makes out his lineup card for each game, St. John Paul II softball coach Mike Manley knows that senior Madi Doyle will be hitting in the leadoff spot. However, the position slot in the scorebook is continuously changing. Sometimes she finds herself getting the ball to enter the pitching circle. At other times […]
当被要求描述他的高年级游击手乔丹-"乔乔 "时卡彭特时 圣约翰保罗二世垒球队教练迈克・曼利说 "如果可以 她愿意一天24小时都打垒球"有人问她,如果一天有 25 个小时呢?她说:"那我肯定会打 25 个小时,"她极富感染力的咯咯笑声点缀着她的[......]
Carpenter Signs National Letter of Intent
Senior Jordyn Carpenter signed a National Letter of Intent to attend Alderson Broaddus University (WV) and play softball for the Battlers. They play in the Great Midwestern Conference. Congratulations, Jordyn