执事格斯 亚当斯
9-12 年级
Adams 执事拥有塞勒姆州立大学工商管理学位和圣约翰神学院牧师硕士学位。他是女子篮球校队教练和私人教练。亚当斯牧师亚当斯执事有三个孩子,他与妻子是东法尔茅斯圣安东尼教堂的教友。
尼科尔夫人 安东尼
Grades 5-8
Mrs. Anthony teaches sixth grade mathematics. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and M. Ed. from Providence College, and has been teaching at JPII since 2014. She leads the students in the Academic Decathlon. She is a member of Corpus Christi parish.
杰奎琳夫人 Battles P '12
Grades 5-8
Mrs. Battles teaches grade five and grade six science. She is a graduate of Salve Regina College. She is a member of the New England League of Middle Schools. Mrs. Battles is on the faculty council of the National Junior Honor Society and middle school cheerleading coach. Mrs. Battles has been a faculty member since the second year of the school’s opening.
劳里夫人 本特利
5-8 年级
Bentley 女士是六年级的英语教师和班主任。她拥有布里奇沃特州立大学的学士学位和美国国际学院的教育硕士学位。美国国际学院教育硕士。Bentley 女士是马萨诸塞州桑德韦奇市基督圣体堂区的教友。
Ms. Melissa Berbine
Grades 5-8
Ms. Berbine earned her master's degree in Educational Leadership from Fitchburg State University, and her undergraduate degree from Salem State University, and is a trained Montessorian. With decades of experience in a wide range of educational settings including public schools, and independent schools as well as Montessori schools, she is excited to be teaching English and Reading to middle school students. Ms. Berbine is a parishioner of Corpus Christi in Sandwich.
Mrs. 比沃纳
5-8 年级
Susan Bivona 女士是全美小学艺术教育年度奖获得者,她将在圣约翰保罗二世学校预备部教授艺术。Bivona 女士在宾夕法尼亚州库兹敦大学获得艺术教育理学学士学位和教育硕士学位。Bivona 女士是圣三一堂区的成员。
Mrs. Kasey Boyle P'20, '25, '27
Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Byrd MSN, RN
Grades 9-12
Mrs. Byrd joins us with over 30 years of experience as a pediatric nurse with a focus on pediatric, neonatal and maternal child nursing. She is a graduate of Boston College and Indiana Wesleyan University. Mrs. Byrd has three married children, one grandson and one granddaughter. She and her husband live in Eastham.
安妮-玛丽夫人 卡尔,P'04、'07、'10
Anne Marie Carr 女士担任七年级的语言艺术和阅读课教师,同时也是七年级的班主任。Carr 女士拥有圣 Bonaventure 大学小学教育学士学位。Carr 女士的三个女儿都毕业于圣博纳文图拉大学。Carr 女士是圣伊丽莎白西顿教堂的成员。
陈汉文先生 陈先生
Grades 9-12
Mr. Hanwen Alex Chen teaches Chemistry and Physics (including AP levels). He received his degrees in Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and has been an instructor and government lab analyst. He is passionate about Catholic schools as Catholic education has made a tremendous impact in his life.
厄尼先生 基督徒
金先生 基督徒
尼克先生 基督徒
Christian 先生教授英语和创意写作。他曾获得文科学位(新墨西哥中部社区学院文学士)、英语和创意写作学位(南新罕布什尔大学文学士)以及英语和创意写作(编剧方向)学位(南新罕布什尔大学文学硕士)。他担任智力竞赛、国际象棋俱乐部和电子竞技活动的顾问。克里斯蒂安先生还是高二年级的班级主持人,同时也是一名合格的校内教练、足球队主教练、力量训练监督员,并在他在圣彼得堡第二大学的职业生涯中主持过 "Manuary "活动。克里斯蒂安先生是南雅茅斯圣庇护十世教区的成员。
Mr. Walter Corcoran III
Mr. Corcoran will be teaching 7th and 8th grade math. He holds a BS in Accounting from Boston College, and a MS- Computer Information Systems from Bentley University. Mr. Corcoran is the father of ten adult children and currently 18 grandchildren. He is a parishioner at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Acushnet where he taught middle school math for the last 2 years.
Mr. Patrick Costello
Student Services/Math
Prior to joining the SJPII Community, Patrick had over twenty five years of varied experience in the corporate world. The majority of his business career was managing a sales training organization for a major marketing and communication company in the northeast. He is a graduate of Stonehill College. Over the last eight years, Patrick held various teaching and staff roles at a Catholic Middle/High School in the greater Boston area. He also has a diverse background of basketball coaching experience from youth programs through the college level. He is the founder of Off-Season Hoops, Inc., a Non-Profit corporation which enhances the lives of adolescents through creative programming.
Mr. Thomas Corrigan
Mr. Corrigan teaches Spanish I, II and III. He is a graduate of Umass/Amherst and the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. He has been a teacher for thirty years and lived and worked in Latin America for over ten years.
Mrs. DiPreta, P '20
5-8 年级
DiPreta 女士是艺术课程的舞蹈教师。她在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校获得学士学位。她学习舞蹈多年,包括在波士顿芭蕾舞团和各种舞蹈讲习班上课。在过去的 7 年中,迪普雷塔女士一直在海角担任舞蹈编导,并从 2006 年开始担任舞蹈教师。她是南雅茅斯圣庇护十世堂区的教友。
Mrs. 杜瓦尔,P'14
杜瓦尔女士是土生土长的新英格兰人,曾在马萨诸塞州、缅因州、加利福尼亚州和墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉任教和生活。 她曾在农村、城市、郊区和市中心的私立、公立和天主教学校任教。她在菲奇堡州立学院获得了教育学学位。 她感到很幸运能与丈夫一起居住在桑威奇,并将自己的兴趣爱好和丰富经验带到了圣婴二小。她引以为豪的是,他们的儿子也是 JPII 的 14 届毕业生。
Mrs. 费尼
Suzanne Feeney 女士来自商界,教授五年级至八年级的学生西班牙语。Feeney 女士在汉密尔顿学院获得西班牙语学士学位,并在圣罗斯学院获得工商管理硕士学位。Feeney 女士是圣救赎堂区的成员。
Mrs. Fox '01
福克斯夫人拥有 Salve Regina 大学学士学位。福克斯夫人是胜利圣母合唱团的成员,并在圣母升天堂区工作。
香农夫人 吉利兰
9-12 年级
Shannon Gilliland 女士加入本校教师队伍,教授海洋科学、环境科学和 A.P. 环境科学。她毕业于伊曼纽尔学院(Emmanuel College),并从兴汉姆圣母学院(Notre Dame Academy)获得了教学经验。她对科学充满热情,希望在这些领域继续激励学生。
卡伦夫人 戈弗雷
9-12 年级
Godfrey 女士拥有波士顿学院校内领导教育硕士学位,并在纽约州立大学、波士顿大学、恩迪科特学院和塞勒姆州立大学完成了大量研究生课程。她的研究生课程包括青少年健康、咨询和领导力。她还完成了青少年健康问题、暴力预防、药物滥用和性别/性问题等方面的多项认证,并一直担任所在教学楼的 "Title IX "协调员。她在奥尔巴尼教区的一所天主教学校开始了自己的教学生涯。她和丈夫搬到波士顿继续他们的研究生学业。在北岸(汉密尔顿-温纳姆学区,23 年)任教并担任多个领导职务后,她搬到了海角。 她是领导力研究主任和健康科学课程协调员。她还是九年级的班级顾问,并负责管理高中女生团体。她有两个孩子和五个漂亮的孙子,是胜利圣母堂区的成员。
邦妮夫人 哈洛
Mr. 哈特
9-12 年级
Hart 先生从事创意工作多年,涉及多个行业,包括美术、编辑漫画、产品设计/插图、贺卡设计/插图/写作、服装插图以及成人和儿童书籍设计/插图:美术、编辑漫画、产品设计/插图、贺卡设计/插图/写作、服装插图以及成人和儿童书籍设计/插图。他曾在锡拉丘兹大学学习美术和英语。
米根夫人 哈奇,P'23、'27、'30
Pathways Teacher
Grades 5-8
Working in Student Services as a Student Support Teacher and Pathways Math and Reading teacher couldn't be more in line with Meegan's educational philosophy of educating all students. It is an honor for her to be a part of JPII student's journeys. Meegan has a BS from the University of Connecticut, a Master's in Education from Lesley University and has completed a Graduate Program in Moderate Disabilities with Emmanuel College.
亚历克西斯女士 雇用
Grades 9-12
Ms. Hire earned her bachelor's in history and education from Merrimack College in 2020 and her Ed.M in curriculum and teaching from Boston University in 2023. She currently teaches U.S history and government courses at the High School Division. Additionally, she serves as moderator for our student leadership group Reach Out and co-director of JPII's Concert Choir. She is a parishioner of Corpus Christi in Sandwich.
卡伦夫人 Hoffmeister, P '19, '28
Grades 5-8
Mrs. Karen Hoffmeister, who previously taught at St. Margaret Regional School, returns to us as our physical education teacher. Mrs. Hoffmeister earned her B.S. in Physical Education Studies at Bridgewater State College. Mrs. Hoffmeister is a member of St. John the Evangelist Parish.
Ms. Jennifer Hollis
Head Athletic Trainer
In addition to her role as head athletic trainer, Ms. Hollis also serves as the Assistant Athletic Director of St. John Paul II School.

Ms. Hollis is a graduate of Colby Sawyer College and holds professional membership in three athletic training associations: the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Athletic Trainers of Massachusetts, and Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association. She brings our student-athletes experience in creating rehabilitation and return-to-play plans using therapeutic modalities including (but not limited to) ultrasounds, E-stim, cupping, Hivamat, and Graston, conducting pre-participation screenings and athletic assessments and facilitating Impact Testing, SCAT-5 and BESS testing.
克里斯托弗 休斯,'13
塔兹女士 雅各布斯
Grades 9-12
Tazz Jacobs hails from Cape Town, South Africa. Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management at Cape Peninsula University Technikon, Diploma in Public Relations at University of South Africa as well as Hospitality Management at University of Cape Town. Prior to relocating to Cape Cod a year ago, she has been in Banquets & Events Management as well as Private Catering at Admirals Cove Country Club, FL. Passionate about Tourism, Inter-Cultural Experiences, and Travel and trying her best to acclimatize to the cold in MA.
伊丽莎白夫人 凯利夫人
5-8 年级
Kelley 女士毕业于雷吉斯学院,目前正在戴顿大学攻读天主教学校管理硕士学位。Kelley 女士积极参与新英格兰学校与学院协会的活动,曾担任访问委员会的成员和助理主席。Kelley 女士是 SFXP 2012 年重新认证自我研究的主席。Kelley 女士曾在亚利桑那州埃尔米拉日任教。在那里,她教授七、八年级学生阅读以及艺术课程。在调往亚利桑那州之前,Kelley 女士曾在马萨诸塞州富兰克林市的本-富兰克林特许学校和她的母校哈德逊天主教高中任教。Kelley 女士还曾在初中年级教授宗教教育。她和家人是圣庇护十世教堂的教友。
玛格丽特夫人 Keras, P '16, '17
Keras 女士是圣约翰保罗二世学校的学生账户协调员。她拥有圣安塞尔姆学院文学学士学位,自 2004 年以来一直在鳕鱼角的天主教学校工作。她的孩子(茱莉亚 16 级和杰克 17 级)毕业于圣约翰保罗二世中学。Keras 女士是南雅茅斯圣庇护十世堂区的教友。
Mrs. Amy Kowal P '26, '27
Admissions and Advancement Assoc.
Mrs. Kowal is a graduate of University of New Hampshire and holds a BS in Health Management and Policy. She worked for many years in Employee Benefit Consulting and volunteered in her children's schools, before joining the JPII Team in 2024. Her two children have attended JPII since 5th grade and are currently at the high school. She lives in Barnstable and is a parishioner at Our Lady of Victory Parish.
劳拉夫人 林内尔,P'21,'26
5-8 年级
Linnell 女士是我校的一名校医。她从鳕鱼角社区学院获得了护理学副理学士学位。Linnell 女士从事注册护士工作 32 年,涉及多个专业,包括重症监护、临终关怀以及过去两年的学校护理。她是东桑威奇基督圣体堂区的教友。
Mrs. Nancy Lessard
9-12 年级
Mr. 林奇先生
Grades 9-12
Mr. Lynch has been happily teaching for 53 years. He has been teaching at JPII since 2008. He has taught Spanish and Theology and was Saint John Paul II's first Campus Minister. Mr. Lynch loves to travel.
Ms. Catherine Martin
Director of Student Services
Ms. Martin has a Master's Degree in Counseling from Bridgewater State University. She has had extensive experience in both special education and counseling. Ms. Martin comes from Braintree St. Coletta Day School and Cardinal Cushing Centers where she was a special education administrator. She has studied and worked closely with children on the autism spectrum.
Ms. Anka Martula
Grades 5-8
Ms. Anka Martula is our grades seven and eight U.S. History teacher. In addition, Ms. Martula is a seventh-grade homeroom teacher and co-leader of the National Junior Honor Society. Ms. Martula earned her Bachelor's degree and M.Ed. in History from Central Connecticut State University. She holds a Connecticut Educator's History and Social Studies license, grades 7 -12. Ms. Martula is a member of Corpus Christi Parish.
Mrs. 麦肯齐
9-12 年级
Amy McKenzie 女士是我们最新的数学老师,目前教授代数 II 和几何。 她毕业于斯通希尔学院和萨福克大学,并获得硕士学位。 艾米成年后一直从事学生工作,这是她的热情所在。 她的丈夫克雷格(Craig)和她在海角养育了三个孩子。
Ms. McLeod
Grades 5-12
Ms. McLeod completed her masters degree in clinical social work at Boston University and earned her bachelor's degree in human development from Connecticut College. In addition to maintaining her professional license as a Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), she holds a school social work/school adjustment counselor license in Massachusetts. Ms. McLeod is a member of Our Lady of the Cape parish in Brewster.
Mr. 麦克马纳斯先生
凯特琳女士 麦克弗森女士
Grades 9-12
Ms. McPherson holds a degree in Secondary Education Mathematics from Olivet Nazarene University and a master's degree from Stonehill College in Inclusive Education with a focus on DEI. Ms. McPherson co-leads Student Council and No Place for Hate, is the Mathematics Department Chair, and is an assistant coach for girls soccer. She is a member of St. Pius X parish.
卡罗琳夫人 彼得斯
5-8 年级
Carolyn Peters 女士教授五年级英语,并担任五年级班主任。 彼得斯女士拥有斯通希尔学院的学士学位和菲奇堡州立学院的教育学硕士学位。彼得斯女士是基督圣体堂区的成员。
安妮女士 Ms.
Grades 9-12
Ms. Poirier is a graduate of Wheaton College (IL) and holds a Master of Science in Biology from the University of Massachusetts. Before teaching at JPII, she was a lab instructor at UMass while completing her thesis research in molecular biology and immunology. In addition to teaching Anatomy & Physiology and Biology, Ms. Poirier serves as the Freshman Class moderator, Science Fair coordinator, and Science Department Chair. She is a member and youth ministry leader at Cape Cod Covenant Church in Brewster.
Mr. Remillard, P '14, '17, '18
Remillard 先生拥有弗拉明汉州立大学学士学位和马萨诸塞大学硕士学位。他通过了国家天主教生命伦理学中心的医疗保健生命伦理学认证。Remillard 先生还是我们的技术协调员。他与妻子是基督君王堂区的成员。
克里斯托弗 克里斯托弗-罗勒先生
Grades 9-12
Mr. Rohrer holds a BA in History from Boston University and completed the Massachusetts Teacher Licensure Program at Bridgewater State University. Mr. Rohrer is a co-chair for the school's student council, No Place For Hate, and Hope Squad groups and an assistant coach for the boys soccer. He is a parishioner at St. Joseph's in Kingston with his wife and three children.
彼得执事 执事
Grades 9-12
Deacon Schutzler served in the United States Coast Guard. He has a BS in Secondary Education/Social Studies from Penn State University, a MS in Counseling Psychology/Marriage and Family Therapy from Chestnut Hill College and earned his School Administrative Licensure in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through Penn State University. He has served in public and Catholic schools for 30+ years as a teacher, assistant principal and principal. He was ordained a deacon in 2015. Deacon is married and has two adult daughters, one of whom resides in Hyannis. Deacon is assigned to Christ the King Parish and resides with his wife Kate in Mashpee.
Mr. Bobby Scott
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Coach Scott opened his own facility in 2017, OPEX South Shore, in Pembroke, MA, and also owns Sustain Strength Cape Cod out of Sandwich, MA. Through various strength and conditioning roles, Scott has coached high school, collegiate, and professional athletes.
托马斯兄弟 塞佩克
9-12 年级
Tom Sepeck 修士是方济各会三阶修士,在波士顿公立学校有 25 年的教学和辅导经验。 他教授 11 年级和 12 年级的神学课程。
Mr. Dan Silver P '27
9-12 年级
Mr. 西诺波利先生
5-8 年级
Sinopoli 先生持有韦斯特菲尔德州立学院小学教育(k-8)学士学位。他曾在公立和私立学校从事初中数学和科学教学工作。他是保龄球俱乐部的联合主持人。此外,他还曾在美国海军预备役部队担任高级空中交通管制员。
Mrs. Danielle Siscoe P '28, '30
Mrs. Danielle Siscoe serves as the office manager for grades 5-8 at St. John Paul II School. She has a B.A. in History and a Certificate of Secondary Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, as well as an M.B.A. from Suffolk University. She has spent much of her career as an office manager, and many years volunteering in her children's schools.
丹尼尔-史密斯先生 史密斯先生,P'28、'30
5-8 年级
Daniel Smith 先生将担任五年级地理教师和六年级社会学教师。此外,Smith 先生还将担任六年级的班主任。Smith 先生拥有奈亚克学院历史和中学教育学士学位。他持有马萨诸塞州 5 - 12 年级历史教师执照。Smith 先生是鳕鱼角圣约教会的成员。
Mr. Tanguay, P '18
9-12 年级
Tanguay 先生拥有科尔比学院学士学位和布里奇沃特州立大学咨询教育硕士学位。来 JPII 之前,他在普利茅斯 Carver 和普利茅斯 North 工作了 35 年,其中 18 年担任指导系主任。他、妻子和女儿都是圣玛格丽特堂区的成员。
玛丽博士 Spadaro, P '22, '26
Mr. Thomas Sullivan
Advancement Director
Mr. Sullivan is a senior philanthropy professional with extensive experience leading fundraising initiatives for a range of academic and healthcare organizations around the country. Mr. Sullivan is a resident of Pocasset.
Ms. 女士
5-12 年级
Uguccioni 女士教授 5-8 年级钢琴,并担任学校合唱伴奏。Uguccioni 女士在迈阿密大学获得学士学位,在纽约大学获得艺术硕士学位。
丹尼尔 瓦勒先生
Grades 5-8
Mr. Wahle teaches religion for the seventh and eighth grades. He holds a B.A. from Assumption College and is currently pursuing an M.A. in Pastoral Theology from the Augustine Institute. Mr. Wahle is a parishioner of Corpus Christi Parish in East Sandwich where he serves as a lector.
Mr. Michael Wahle
Admissions Director
Mr. Wahle holds a B.A. from The University of Notre Dame. He is passionate about bringing the top-notch Catholic education offered by St. John Paul II School to as many students and families as possible.
Mrs. Meaghan Wile, P '30, '32
5-8 年级
Wile 女士拥有斯通希尔学院的学士学位,并通过普罗维登斯学院的 PACT 项目获得了硕士学位。她教授初中和高中科学课程长达 14 年之久。她还担任科学俱乐部和花园俱乐部的主持人。
Mr. Young, '14
5-12 年级
杨先生拥有斯通希尔学院学士学位,是 JPII 的 2014 届校友。杨先生担任棒球主教练和体育主任。