2024-2025 Blue & Gold Annual Fund Donors (as of 01/16/25): Thank You for Your Critical Support!
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Adams | Mr. and Mrs. Jesse and Patricia Affonso | Mr. and Mrs. Renato Armaczuk | Glenn and Mary Bacci | Mr. Charles Spilsbury and Mrs. Emilie Bajorek | Mr. Mathew Baldasaro | Knights of Columbus, Bishop Tyler Assembly 0402 | Ms. Susan Blaauw | Mr. and Mrs. Kalil Boghdan | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Briffett | Dr. and Mrs. Michael Buckley I Ann Burke | Mr. Vincent Byrne | Dr. and Mrs. Paul Canniff I Jenn and Ed Canzano | Hanwen Chen | Mr. and Mrs. Randall Collette | Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Coppa | Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cormier | Mr. Patrick Costello | Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III | Ms. Gail Crimmins | Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Crocker | Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cronin | Ms. Martha Curley | Mr. and Mrs. Mark Curley | Mrs. Joseph D. Daluz | Ms. Elizabeth Byrne Dawes | Catherine Dickson | Isabel Dickson | Mr & Mrs John Dickson | Margaret Dickson | Jeffrey and Anne Marie Dillon | Mr. and Mrs. Cathal Diver | Mr. Richard Donahue | John and Christine Donohoe | Erin Donovan | Mr. Michael '13 and Mrs. Rachael '12 Doyle | Ms. Eleanore Dumais | Mrs. Sandra Eager | Stuart and Christy Egmore | Mr. and Mrs. David Estey | John J. Evans | Ms. Shirley Evans | Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fairbanks | Sandra Griffin Feitelberg | Mr. and Mrs. David Ferias | Carlos & Adriana Ferreira | Island Development Builders Corp. | Mr. and Mrs. William Finn | Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Fiorda | Ms. Barbara A. Flinn | Lawrence M. Furey | Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gaudette | Karen Geaghan | Sarah Gilliland | Anonymous | Mary Jo Gregory | Mrs Jane Gunnery | Mr. William F. Hackett | Carol and Stephen Hamel | Joseph M. Hoffman | Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Horton | William Hufnagle '15 | Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III | Anonymous | Christine Jacobs | Aaron James, '21 | Mr. and Mrs. Steven Janney | Ms. Charleen Johnson | Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katziff | Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keating | Grace Keller '17 | Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keras | Knights of Columbus, Saint Paul VI Council 7312 | Knights of Columbus, Father McSwiney Council #2525 | Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kowal | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kudla | Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lawson | Mr. and Mrs. Angel Ludizaca and Gladis M. Muy | Mr. and Mrs. Vincent John Mancinelli | Mr. Michael Manley and Ms. Carol Chmielewski | Mrs. Terry Manning | Dr. Kai and Carrie Matthes | Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo | Mrs. Julie Mayo | Ms. Roberta H. McDonald | Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara | Mr. John F. McQuillan | Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mecca | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mecca | Mr. Renato Coelho and Ms. Angelica Miranda | Mr. Ted Mochnacki and Ms. Jean Crosby | Dr. Karen Rogers-Monaghan and Mr. Liam Monaghan | Corinne Marie Monahan | Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Moran | Peter Moriarty | Joanne Morrow | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muller | Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nickerson | Notre Dame Club of Cape Cod | Greg and Kate Nowak | Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O'Brien | Mrs. Carolyn O'Callaghan | Mrs. Carolyn O'Callaghan | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O'Malley | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Kathleen O'Malley | Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Neill | Mr. and Mrs. Justin Phillips | Kenyon and Lynn Pike | Gustave Pollak | Mr. and Mrs. Marc Powell | Ms. Anne Psomos | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pulit | Seppot and Alexis Rapo | Mr. and Mrs. William Raycraft | Don & Kathleen Raymond | Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Richards | Mrs. Ivone Rosella | Amber Russell | Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Schlegel | Deacon Peter and Kathryn Schutzler | Thomas Sepeck | Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Skelly | Peter and Maria Smail | Kyle and Layane Smith | Margaret D. Smit | Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith | Ms. Anne Smith | Tom and Barbara Smith | St. Joan of Arc Parish | St. Joan of Arc Women's Guild | Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stampfl | Mr. Arthur H. Steidel | Starboard Academy | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan | Thomas Sullivan and Kimberlee Yaskoski | Ms. Joanne Tomao | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski | Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tucker | Ms. Elena K. Valentino, '11 | Mr. Phillip VanDenBrink | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wahle | Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wile | Pamela M Wood | Ms. Mary Woodall | Joseph and Maureen Yamin | Drs. Jay and Hannah Yamin | Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Fiedler | Ms. Megan Markoski | Mrs. and Mr. Anthony Loffredo | Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Jumper | Law Offices of Carmen V. Codjoe, P.C. | Mr. Peter DeRosa | Mike and Bree Walker | Murray & MacDonald Insurance Services, Inc. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lombardy | Dr. David Kelley | Clogston Construction & Remodeling | Law office of Lawrence McGrath | Mrs. Lisa Simpson | Mrs. Frances Brew | Mrs. Carol Mauro | Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunton | Dr. and Mrs. Paul DeMeo | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan | Mr. and Mrs. Francis McLoughlin | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Borden | Anonymous | Falmouth Toyota | Mr. Richard Nesto | Mikayla Barreiro '17 | Mr. Eugene Alioshka and Mrs. Natalia Huba | Nathaniel & Christie Reinhart | Mr. David Cuthbert | Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gniadek | Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutton | Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Dea | Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sperry | Joe and Wendy O'Keefe | Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kalkus | Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hall | Lucas Boyle '20 | John V. and Kathleen R. Murphy Fund | Dr. Roshann Hooshman and Mr. Edward Richardson | Ms. Elizabeth O'Brien, Esq. | Ms. Mary Callahan | Mullen Building & Remodeling | Rev. Joseph Towle, M.M. | Robert Potvin | Anonymous | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muller | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bajorek | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrissey | Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle |

What is the Blue & Gold Annual Fund?
The Blue & Gold Annual Fund is an essential yearly fundraising initiative that supports and advances the mission-driven programs at St. John Paul II School.  Your gift to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund supportmission and ministry, financial assistance, academic enrichment, faculty development, extracurricular activities, and capital improvements.

2024-2025 Blue & Gold Annual Fund Total Raised
$132,480 Total Raised 66%

“Help affect positive change and growth at St. John Paul II School.”

“Working together to communicate JPII's extraordinary impact on the Cape Cod community.”

Why is my gift to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund important?
While tuition is the primary source of funding, the tuition fee does not cover the entire cost of St. John Paul II School education. The resources from tuition run out on approximately April 8. Gifts to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund bridge the gap between tuition fees and the actual cost of educating a student for the remainder of the school year.

"JPII instilled in me the qualities needed to expand my faith, accomplish my goals, effectively study, and confidently communicate. My JPII education gave me the foundation to succeed in medical school and residency while becoming a thoughtful participant in the community along the way."

“In my experience, in over twelve years as a parent here, the outstanding services provided by the Guidance Department, are one of the best things of all! The Guidance Department at JPII is truly dedicated to the success of students both in school and beyond.”

How does my gift make an impact?
Your support provides the resources for each student to nurture their talents as they become adults of character, compassion, and conscience in the spirit of St. John Paul II.

Your gift, large or small, immediately impacts St. John Paul II School students who, in turn, make that same positive impact on their families, communities, and the Church. Your support of St. John Paul II School today is an investment in the values and vision of our future leaders. Impact Report

“The school’s dedication to strong academics, college placement, and overall experience has been exceptional, and we are grateful for the education and support our children have received.”

“The support you receive from each and every person is phenomenal. I wouldn’t be where I am today with out JPII.”

How do I make my gift?

You can donate via our secure online giving site found here or send a check to the Advancement Office, St. John Paul II School, 120 High School Rd, Hyannis, MA 02601.  

Donations to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund can be directed to specific areas of interest. Please include a note with your donation.

“At St. John Paul II School, our athletic program shapes boys and girls into
confident men and women of character.”

JPII provides a culture and environment where students can flourish in all dimensions of their growth and maturity.

St. John Paul II School is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2022-23 Blue & Gold Annual Fund Chairpersons

Joe and Laurie Anastos, P ’20, ’22


Maturity. It’s what we seek to instill in students as they grow through their years at St. John Paul II School. It’s what we see in ourselves, too. Founded in 1996 and 2007, St. John Paul II School is maturing institutionally, as the school’s reputation, accomplishments, and graduated alums and families accrue. Not a new school nor an especially young school any longer, JPII has achieved a position to make an even more significant impact on students, families, and the broader Cape community. 

Blue & Gold 2021-2022 Annual Fund Chairpersons Michael ’13 and Rachael ’12 Doyle have seen this first hand. As alums and older siblings of JPII students, Michael and Rachael have traced the school’s growth through achievements and increasing impact. In their words, “We’re from the founding years and take great pride in seeing our beautiful young school mature into an essential part of the Cape educational landscape. As alumni and donors, we experienced firsthand the school’s impact on our personal lives and professions. We ask you to join us in investing in the JPII experience today and supporting what it will become tomorrow.” 

While many schools were partially or fully remote the past eighteen months, students, faculty members, and staff members at JPII achieved entirely in-person education throughout, a benefit that families will not soon forget. Not surprisingly, friends and families helped the school achieve its best-ever Blue & Gold Annual Fund results. Your faithful generosity to the Blue & Gold Annual Fund is the backbone that enables JPII to keep private, Catholic education affordable and first-rate, and enables the school to confidently tackle new, robust initiatives. 

At this formative time in the school’s growth, please join Michael, Rachael, and many others by making your gift today.

Sincerely yours,

Christopher W. Keavy