You will be blessed with many opportunities for prayer.
You will begin each day with prayer either in the auditorium with the entire student body or as you begin each of your classes.
You will also have opportunities to visit the Chapel or Church to give you an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God. At times an entire class period is utilized in order to give you the ability to grow an appreciation for prayer, silence, and reflection. You will be blessed with many opportunities for prayer.

Students know that the school’s Chapel is not only where we have Mass, but is at the center of all that we do. You are encouraged to share your gifts with our school community by serving as acolytes and altar servers, lectors, cantors, joining the choir, or presenting the gifts.
A chaplain is assigned to meet your liturgical and pastoral needs.
A campus minister works with you and staff daily. Faculty fully participate and understand their role as ministers. The Bishop visits the school each year for worship. All of this contributes to a pervasive Catholic “ethos” and spirit of Christian fellowship on campus.
Your child will participate in monthly Masses. Additionally, your child will plan and participate in Thanksgiving prayer services, Advent Lessons and Carols, Penance Services, and a May Crowning Ceremony.
Gospel Messsage
The Gospel message is what Jesus said, what Jesus did, and what He told us to do.
It includes honesty, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, community, servant leadership, equality, simplicity, justice, a respect for life and the dignity of each person, a trust in God, and peace.
All students are encouraged to live the Gospel message by demonstrating a respect for the facilities, each other, and most important, themselves.