Société de fidélité des Lions
Loyal donors are the cornerstone of St. John Paul II School’s success, providing the means by which JPII can carry out its mission of “cultivating strong relationships and empowering students to recognize their gifts, develop their potential, and communicate Christ in word and deed.”
In recognition of this important commitment, the Lion Loyalty Society honors those donors giving to St. John Paul II School with various degrees of loyalty—from our Charter members, who are just beginning their lifelong commitment to annual giving, to our Lifetime supporters, who have given to JPII for fifteen or more years.
Qualifying Levels
Charter: 5 – 9 years of consecutive giving
Milestone: 10 – 14 years of consecutive giving
Lifetime: 15+ or more years of consecutive
How do I become a member?
Simply make a gift five years in a row. Donors
who have made consecutive gifts since the fiscal year 2007 (July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008) are automatically enrolled. To sustain your membership and reach new recognition milestones, make a gift every year. To learn about different ways to give and to make a gift, visit
Do I need to give to a specific fund?
You may direct your gift to any area of the school. Both unrestricted and restricted gifts qualify you for membership in the society.
Why does giving every year matter?
Annual gifts immediately impact the most important priorities at St. John Paul II School. When you make a gift each year, you support faith-filled, academic, and co-curricular programs that “cultivate strong relationships and empower students to recognize their gifts, develop their potential, and communicate Christ in word and deed.”
What’s the minimum annual gift for membership?
Gifts of $25 or more each year.
Missed a year of giving?
You can still catch up through our special buyback program. By making a one-time gift, you can purchase the fiscal years you missed for as little as $25 each. To request your giving history, please contact the Advancement Office at Once you have your history, you can complete your buyback gifts using our online giving form. Simply select “This gift is part of the Lion Loyalty Society buyback program” from the options menu.
Lifetime (15+ Years of Consecutive Giving)
Mr. William F. Hackett
Knights of Columbus, Pope Paul VI Council 7312
Mr. and Mrs. John Hufnagle III
Milestone (10-14 Years of Consecutive Giving)
Joseph M. Hoffman
Mr. Thomas C. Hoy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Keavy
Dr. and Mrs. James Boyle
Reverend James F. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hyde
Mr. Robert LaLiberte and Hon. Therese Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell
Charter (5-9 Years of Consecutive Giving)
Joe and Laurie Anastos
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O’Brien
Mr. Neil F. Doherty
Ms. Eleanore Dumais
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katziff
Mr. James Nidositko, Sr.
Sandwich Car Wash
Ms. Mary Callahan
Cape Cod Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. William Coty, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Curley
Mrs. Joseph D. Daluz
Ms. Barbara A. Flinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox
Mr. Bill Horrigan
Mr. Michael Manley and Ms. Carol Chmielewski
Mr. Ted Mochnacki and Ms. Jean Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi
Mrs. Lisa Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stampfl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan
Ms. Joanne Tomao
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Traykovski
Ms. Mona Lisa Valentino
Gardiner and Courtney Bridge
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Buckley
Mr. Vincent Byrne
Cape Cod Insulation
Ms. Charleen Johnson
Mr. Brian Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kudla
Ms. Elizabeth O’Brien, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skordas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Switchenko
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Traykovski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Canzano
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Tierney
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Affonso
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Carstensen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Castano
Cataumet Boats
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cronin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Demeo
Mr. and Mrs. Anders Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Evans
Rev. Deacon and Mrs. Richard Fish Jr.
Carol and Stephen Hamel
Mr. and Mrs. David Holt
Dr. and Mrs. John Homa
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mayo
Mr. Arthur Milczanowski and Ms. Maria Julia Esteves
Dr. Karen Rogers-Monaghan and Mr. Liam Monaghan
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Nakata
Wendy and Joe O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Philbrick
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierangeli
The Lenox Foundation, Inc.
Eric and Eleanor Vander Mel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walman
Robert Webster and Sandra DosAnjos