Une occasion unique

Par Adam Lucente Cape Cod Times HYANNIS - Le brouillard de jeudi s'étant dissipé en fin de matinée, les conditions étaient claires dans l'après-midi pour que la chorale de concert St-Jean-Paul II entame son voyage tant attendu vers Rome pour de multiples représentations au Vatican, dont une en présence du Pape François. Avant le vol, Circle Yuan, son [...]

Regarder la chorale se produire à la télévision

On Thursday December 8 from 5 – 9 pm, watch Mindy Todd from WCAI (Cape Cod’s NPR station) and Matt Pitta from Cape Cod Broadcasting radio stations along with the JPII Concert Choir at the Shelter Cape Cod Telethon. The event will be broadcast live on local access channel 98 and streamed live on www.sheltercapecod.org and www.capemedia.org

Concert Choir Invited to Perform at Vatican

Fifty-nine local students will be traveling to Italy in February to perform at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. The St. John Paul II Concert Choir, comprised of students from Pope John Paul II High School and St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School, was asked to sing at the Vatican by the head of the Julian […]

Vatican Welcomes JPII Choir

The St. John Paul II High School Concert Choir received confirmation from The Vatican that they will be providing the music for the Sunday, February 26, 2017, 10 AM Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica. Maestro Coll of the Basilica of St. Peter will personally accompany the choir on the organ during the Mass. The tour will commence February 23, 2017 and […]