If your student is planning to play a High School Division sport or a sport at the Preparatory Division, please ensure the following registration steps are completed prior to tryouts!
1.) Register with FamilyID
Arbiter Sports is the home to FamilyID, a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for St. John Paul II interscholastic programs. One registration will cover multiple seasons, so if you have a 3 sport athlete, you need only complete this one time.
2.) Complete Impact Testing:
Baseline impact testing must be completed by all student-athletes before stepping on the field. Impact Testing assesses cognitive health and helps track recovery from any head injuries.
After clicking on the link, enter code IODHLGC14B to take your test.
3. Join Team SportsYou Pages:
SportsYou is a free athletics communication platform used by St. John Paul II to post sports schedules, program updates, and more. Each sport at JPII has a SportsYou page that both student-athletes and parents/guardians are asked to join to stay up-to-date on practice and game information.
Programme intra-muros de printemps : Mardi/jeudi : 15 H 00 - 16 H 30
JPII proposera trois sessions d'intramuros.
28 mars - 13 avril : Basket-ball
25 avril - 11 mai : Flag Football ou Volleyball
Du 16 mai au 1er juin : Football
L'inscription des élèves se fait dans le gymnase pendant la pause déjeuner. Le football et le flag football se dérouleront sur le terrain situé derrière l'école secondaire. Le ramassage se fera sur le terrain pour le soccer et le flag football. Les élèves qui doivent aller à la garderie seront accompagnés par l'entraîneur. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter Ryan Bradley, directeur sportif adjoint, à l'adresse
2.) Impact Testing:
Baseline Impact Testing is to be completed by all student-athletes before stepping on the field. Impact Testing assesses cognitive health and helps track recovery from any head injuries. After clicking on the link, enter code IODHLGC14B to take your test