The Performing Arts Department provides the highest-quality instruction possible in the areas of drama, music, musical theater, and technical theater. Simply put, we are not like other schools. With the experience of over 25 years of choir tours, most of which include interaction with Broadway shows, actors, directors, choreographers, and other personnel, our program is state-of-the-art.
Vocal Music: A Tradition of Excellence
- Vatican City, Rome (Two Sunday Masses at the Chair of St. Peter)
- The Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, Rome
- St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City
(Solemn Pontifical Mass and a featured Concert with Cathedral Organist Michael Hey) - Fox 25 News, Boston
- National Public Radio, WCAI
- St. James Cathedral Basilica, Brooklyn, New York
- Rosary Hill Cancer Hospice Home, Hawthorne, New York
- All Cape Cod Catholic Schools (St. Francis Xavier, St. Margaret, and St. Pius X)
- Numerous New York Catholic Schools
- Holy Family Church (Mission to the United Nations), New York City
- Numerous Cape Cod Churches
- Diocese of Fall River Catholic Television Masses
Musical Theater
Each year, our Concert Choir tours Broadway, and other locales, learning from the best Broadway talent in the business. For example, in 2019 students received dance (choreography) instruction from two dancers who have appeared on Broadway in “West Side Story,” “Pippin,” “Aladdin,” or in shows they choreographed themselves!
Past and current performances:
- 2008: It’s a Wonderful Life
- 2010: Midsummer’s Night Dream
- 2011: Sandbag, Stage Left
- 2012: Arsenic and Old Lace
- 2013: Diary of Anne Frank
- 2014: Harvey
- 2015: Much Ado About Nothing
- 2016: An Enemy of the People
- 2017: The Miracle Worker
- 2018: Lost in Yonkers
- 2019: A Christmas Carol
- 2020: Series of Radio Dramas
- 2021: All in the Timing
- 2022: Arsenic and Old Lace
- 2023: Clue
- 2009: Godspell
- 2011: The Wiz
- 2012: Seussical
- 2013: South Pacific
- 2014: Annie Get Your Gun
- 2015: Pippin
- 2016: The Sound of Music
- 2017: Fiddler on the Roof
- 2018: Once Upon a Mattress
- 2019: West Side Story
- 2020: Kiss Me Kate (not performed due to pandemic)
- 2021: An Impossibly Sudden Good Night!
- 2022: Bye Bye Birdie
- 2023: Pippin
- 2024: Shrek
Technical Theater
Technical Theater is taught through academic classes utilizing college-level text and instruction operating some of the most advance technical theater equipment in the region. Our students use equipment, materials, and technique to run shows themselves.
Course Offerings
All students at all levels are invited to audition for these festivals. Parents must attend festivals with their children so that direct supervision occurs at all venues.
This large Concert Choir is open to all students. It affords students the opportunity to sing both large choral classics, as well as more accessible, contemporary selections. Exposure to a wide variety of sacred and secular choral works is a priority. The Concert Choir tours annually, both locally and to places such as Broadway. Additionally, the Concert Choir sings monthly at Mass with our school. No previous singing experience is necessary; all aspects of singing and performing that are required will be taught to students as a part of this class.
This course is designed to enhance the performance ability of the musical theater student progressively in the areas of acting, singing, and movement in both an ensemble and solo environment. Emphasis will be placed upon the long-term development of the portfolio of the student for college and professional auditions.
This SSA ensemble showcases the highest level of singing for treble voices. As such, a wide variety of choral literature will be explored. This ensemble performs and tours with the Concert Choir, as well as at times of its own.
The Fall Play is a main stage dramatic event produced in early November. Attention to the classics of Western Theater is given to promote the dramatic and ensemble growth of each member of the cast, and the Drama Club as a whole. Examples of past works include Arsenic and Old Lace and The Diary of Anne Frank.
High school division students may mentor preparatory school division students in a variety of areas.
This SATB ensemble is the Honor Choir and showcases the highest level of mixed voice singing. As such, it is by audition only, and features the most challenging choral literature available for small ensemble singing.
This program rewards excellence and participation on the part of our Performing Arts students throughout their career. Each Performing Arts offering, including classes and activities, is given a point value. Students accrue points during their tenure, and are eligible for bronze, silver, gold, and highest award honors once they attain the required number of points.
Solo Night, performed with professional jazz/rock band, is the culmination of months of group solo preparation in a variety of styles. Solo Class is open to all high school students. Solo Class provides quality experience prior to auditions for the spring musical.
This is the largest single production of the Performing Arts Department at our school. As such, it is the culminating work of the year for the high school, involving nearly all aspects of the Performing Arts Program. Emphasis is placed upon the production of the strongest musical theater literature possible, with an eye to developing a comprehensive resume for college for our students who choose musical theater or the like as a career path.
Mrs. Karin Loewen, an experienced music educator, serves as our strings teacher and offers private lessons at SFXP and JPII for violin, viola, or cello. Students who are enrolled in private lessons then participate in individual school String Ensembles and the Annual All-School Suzuki Festival. Performance opportunities available at individual schools include Christmas and Spring concerts, solo night, talent show, etc., as well as Christian service performances in local nursing homes and participation in local music festivals.