The School Year Kicks off With a Buzz

The 2024 school year is off to a flying start at St. John Paul II School, and with the help of art teacher Mrs. Susan Bivona, students in grades 5-8 are working on a display that is creating quite the buzz around school. Faculty, staff and students are greeted each day as they enter the building by a hive of kindness that features a colorful display of sunflowers, honeycombs and bees, all created by the students in grades 5-8.

Communicating Christ is woven throughout the curriculum and daily practices of the entire school. Students began the school year by reflecting on various ways to express kindness both at school and at home. They translated this into an art display featuring the many unique and relatively simple ways to communicate Christ regularly.

“Kindness is an essential quality we emphasize at JPII”, notes Susan Bivona, Art Teacher. “This lesson not only makes students think of ways to be kind, its result – a collaborative display of a Beehive of positive phrases lets anyone entering our school know how important this is.”   

This display will stay up for the entire year as a reminder of how working together and being kind to one another helps us to communicate Christ every day.